Utilities & Infrastructure
Routing & Siting
Due Diligence Regiments
Early Landowner Engagement and Right of Entry
Energy and Infrastructure Corridors
Substation Siting
Project Specific Messaging and Talking Points
Defensible Routing/Siting Testimony
Intervenor Consultations
Full Suite of Scalable Field Services
Federal, State, and Tribal Lands
Land Use Permitting, Entitlements, and Zoning
Flood Zone and Federal Drainage Programs
Uniform Relocation Act (URA) Compliance
Condemnation Support
Construction Liaison and Monitoring
Encroachment and Construction Permitting
Restoration and Damage Settlement Programs
We perform as an extension of our client’s staff.
We serve as a communication bridge between affected landowners and the project team.
We employ robust field strategies that include a focus on in-person communication along with effective virtual tools in order to maintain critical momentum in the field, while ensuring landowner rights to engagement and input.